I’m So Excited..

And I just can’t hide it!! Big things are happening in the Children’s Ministry at Word of Faith. For about a year we have been a two man operation. We were volunteer-less. Until recently we have had a group of people decide to work in their strengths so now we officially have a crew and not a duo. This ROCKS!!! There was so much I wanted to do but couldn’t because we didn’t have the man power. HIS Army Children’s Ministry GET READY we are about to BLOW UP!!!!!

Places everyone, places

For the past few months Pastors Lyons have been preaching about getting in our lanes and working through our strengths in ministry. Just when it seemed as though no one heard the call this weekend showed that their words had not fell on deaf ears.

One by one several members of our leadership stepped up and stated they had be operating in the wrong lanes and it was time to approach destiny. Woo Hoo!! Way to go saints!

This is so exciting. The skys the limit Word of Faith. When we line up with purpose there is no stopping us. One Square Mile ya’ll, watch out here we come! Unstoppable! The enemy is on notice. We are arming for a battle like no other. We are taking it back!! All of it!! Watch out WOF is on the rise.

Never Disappointed

CSI you’ve done it again. This season premiere kept me guessing and on the edge of the couch the whole episode. Ok Without a Trace is on… Talk to ya later.

My Favorite Things

Hey everybody else is doing it so why not….

1. Long walks on the beach at sunset with…LOL LOL I couldn’t even finish typing that one… but seriously

2. The Goodwill

3. Target

4. WalMart

5. Mango Pomegranate Smoothies

6. Chipotle

7. The Library

8. Shoes, shoes, shoes, did I say shoes

9. Ramen Noodles (I know ghetto right, but wit butter and hot sauce OMG!)

10. German-chokolatekake ice cream from Cold Stone

That’s all I could think of…If you liked this post don’t forget to ChipIn!

IDK, My BFF Rose

It’s Wednesday again.

It’s Random Thoughts Day…

My special son (the youngest) wants to sing a solo at church, so he has been singing This Little Light of Mine for 4 days. blesshisheartandallhisparts.com

Crystal (my BFF) still hasn’t had the baby. lordhavemercy.net

Pastor J PREACHED in Toledo on Sunday evening. wishihadmyshoutingshoes.org

I got my car back yesterday. couldaboughtahonda.com thankgoditsnotachevy.net

It was 96 days, 4 hours, 13 minutes and 38 seconds until Tuesday, January 1, 2008 when I typed this. fulltimeministryhereicome.org

I REALLY need to go to the dentist, but don’t have time. pleasepullallmyteeth.com

I realized after yesterday’s post that I have more associates than friends. kumbyamylord.com

I think I ran out of stuff to say so…..If you liked this post don’t forget to ChipIn!


I was sitting in on our Young Adult Bible Study last night and Pastor D was reading from II Samuel 13, this tells the story of Amnon (David’s half brother) and the rape of Tamar (David’s sister). I was blindsided by what I read in the first five words of verse three (you gotta love it when God smacks you with a 2 by 4 up side the head) “But Amnon had a friend…” Amnon was cool; he realized that the things he was thinking about could not come to past. But that friend not only brought the thoughts back but helped him plot his demise.

We all have that one friend…
· That one you know you should let go of, but can’t because you’ve been friends since you were kids
· That one that we like to hang out but our other friends can’t stand
· That one who, despite always putting on their best face to you, just seems to be slowly tearing you apart from the inside out
· That one who keeps falling into weird, random dramas (most of the time taking you with them)
· That one that you just can’t tell nothing, because they don’t get that “Loose Lips Sink Ships”

The list could go on and on but you know “That Friend.” Why do we hold on to these people? We go through unnecessary drama after drama after drama because of these folks but they are still on our friends list. They usually never have our best interests at heart, never have our backs, and usually thrust the first knife in said back. But, we as gluttons for punishment keep them around.

A friend can be a blessing or a curse. The company you keep determines the life you live, because our friends have the power to influence us. When we choose the right friends, they will empower us to succeed but on the other hand, the wrong friends will empower us to fail. We must choose our friends wisely. Our character is partly shaped by the people with we spend our time with. Don’t be deceived, the wrong associations (evil companionships) will corrupt good manners or character (I Corinthians 15:33). There’s a saying, “Birds of a feather, flock together.” So, if you associate with thieves, more than likely you are a thief or are on you way to being one.
I hear you saying, “But I am ministering to them.” There is a difference in being friends with and ministering to people and seeing a life change vs. being friends with, and pacifying their life choices. The Bible tells us that we get to decide whether we’ll walk with the wise or flounder with fools. Which will you choose?

Does it really matter which friends you select? After all, shouldn’t a Christian be willing to have anyone around as a friend? It Does Matter Who Our Friends Are! The Bible has many timeless lessons and instructions that deal directly with these important issues. The book of Proverbs is full of instructions concerning how we can do well and become successful, including instructions on how we should choose our friends. Proverbs 13:20 instructs us that “he who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.”

When we apply Proverbs 13:20 to our lives we reap the benefits of it. There is no escaping the truth that if we surround ourselves with good, wise friends throughout our lives, we will reap limitless benefits in the forms of success, happiness and personal contribution to others. My charge for you today is to begin replacing your negative or morally deficient friends with good ones. This might not be easy, but it is necessary to avoid having them influence you toward unchristian values. The only way to avoid is to make a clean yet polite break with the negative group and then gradually make friends with individuals who are moral and positive. These friends will elevate you to higher standards and will help you reach your potential.

And don’t forget…If you liked this post don’t forget to ChipIn!

Freaky Friday

Today felt like Monday when I got up this morning. Felt like Monday all the way to work. Plus I’ve had this strange feeling of anticipation for the past couple of days. It’s like the dam of drama is about to break. There is a small hole in it and I have dispatched the beavers (prayer) to fix it. I just can’t shake the feeling. I don’t have time for drama, so I hope nobody acts extra…I would probably blow a gasket.

I am excited about a task I have to do this weekend (Crystal I hope you like your gift). I create gift basket masterpieces and I have been collecting stuff for a while to do a baby basket for my bud Crystal’s 10th kid. Just kidding this is only number 4, but she’s been pregnant since I met her 2 yrs ago. I told ya’ll the other day that I couldn’t wait till she had this one…she is crankier than the last. Plus she is driving her poor hubby crazy (check it out here). Otis I’ll do ya a favor, I take her to her favorite place for a Pomegranate Smoothie when I get off. Hopefully that will tucker her out and she will come home and sit down.

Going to Toledo Sunday to hear my favorite female Pastor preach. This is going to be crazy, so WOF get ready.

Well, I am out…don’t forget…If you liked this post don’t forget to ChipIn!

Mind Dump

I have been sitting here trying to figure out what to write about today and I figured I had too much on my mind to sooooooo…mind dump it is.

  • Why is it that when we were kids we ran to confrontation. Somebody said or did something we didn’t like, we handled it. You nipped those situations in the bud. But, we “Get Grown” and folks do stuff and we just sit back, say nothing, and stew in bitterness.

               **side note: That ends today for me. I have some issues that need dealt with.**

  • Spider Update: THEIR BAAAACK!!! I am going to the hardware store and buy the strongest insecticide I can find. I am tired of sleeping with one eye open.
  • Mouse Update: The “Powers That Be” here called an exterminator and they came out and put down some darn sticky traps. They actually paid somebody to do that. I could have done that, pay me.
  • I have been without a car all week and it has been pretty interesting. I didn’t know that my youngest has never been on the bus (BTW, he didn’t like it).
  • I realized this week that I am in the wrong profession. Auto mechanics are making a killing.
  • I will be so glad when my buddy haves her baby. She is miserable and I hate to see her suffer. Plus, she is really cranky and if this doesn’t end quick somebody is going to “GET” it.

Random thoughts:

  1. If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about it?
  2. Why did Yankee Doodle name the feather on his hat Macaroni?
  3. If “something goes without saying,” why do people still say it?
  4. Why aren’t safety pins as safe as they say they are?
  5. If your name is Mr. Crunch and you join the Navy, would you eventually be Captain Crunch?
  6. Why do you have to “put your 2 cents in” but it’s only a penny for your thoughts? Where is the extra penny going?
  7. Do stuttering people stutter when they think to themselves?
  8. Last one…What does the T in T-Shirt really mean?

If you liked this post don’t forget to ChipIn!

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Ministry Minded

I would like to extend to you an opportunity to support what has been an important source of well-being in my life: Youth Ministry. As many of you may already know, I am a Youth Pastor at Word of Faith Christian Ministries. Currently WOF does not have a full time Youth Pastor, (and I have to work full time elsewhere), I do not have the time I wish to visit my young people at their schools or go to their games, recitals, plays, etc. to show I care. So the only time I have with the young people is Thursday nights and Sunday mornings not nearly enough time to establish a good trust or relationship that will turn to Jesus before they turn 20. I want to be able to devote the time to them that they deserve. I want to be able to give them something that will change their lives forever- Jesus. Everyday I get this nagging sense that I am wasting the time that God has given me. I constantly hear God calling me into full time ministry.

I, like Jonah, have been avoiding God’s call to a special work for quite some time. Every year, thousands of Christians consider the appeal to enter full time ministry. They pray, consult with their Pastors, spouses, and friends for help making the decision. Then finally with great struggle (or relief) make the decision, “Full Time Ministry Here I Come.” So, after much prayer and consideration, I decided to answer the call that somehow will advance the kingdom of God. I don’t regret my time working in the secular world, I have learned so much. But, at this point in my life, obeying God’s calling means leaving my secular job. He has basically put me in a place where it is obvious that He wants me to step up to the plate. The plate you ask….January 1, 2008. I believe it is my destiny to train young people to lead the cause of Christ, and apply Christianity to every area of their lives. Young people are the easiest to reach with the gospel of Christ, this is stated in Scripture (Ecclesiastes12:1; Proverbs 22:6). Most of us made a commitment of some sort to Christ before we were twenty years of age. So, if it is the church’s goal to reach people for Christ, then it would make sense that a large amount of time, energy and resources be put into ministering to young people, who are more open to the Gospel, and who make up the majority of the population in our country.

I’m excited about embarking on this journey as a full-time Youth Pastor and the experiences that lie ahead. I hope you see the value in what I am trying to accomplish. As you can imagine, a move like this requires financial support. I need to raise $24,000. If you can support me in a financial way, I would be very grateful. I hope I can count on you for a generous donation, any donation amount is welcomed. If you would like to be part of this through your financial support, you may donate at ChipIn.

Why do it…you’ll be really glad you did! Just think of how great it will feel knowing that you were a part of something much bigger than yourself. Your 1, 3, 5, or 20 dollar donation may seem like a drop in the huge 25,000 dollar bucket, but know that you will go to sleep with a smile on your face knowing that you did the right thing!

So until I reach my goal you will see this line at the end of each blog… If you enjoyed this post, don’t forget to ChipIn! Reaching young people who do not know or have forgotten that they know Christ is my primary goal.

Because they haven’t heard,

YP Cice

Reality TV Part 2

Ok this is my last post for the night.

This woman is nuts. She is a self proclaimed psychic. She read these peoples kids auras and she came to the conclusion that their son was an alien. Where do they find these people? Her husband had a mullet. LOL!! This is funny.

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