Ministry Minded

I would like to extend to you an opportunity to support what has been an important source of well-being in my life: Youth Ministry. As many of you may already know, I am a Youth Pastor at Word of Faith Christian Ministries. Currently WOF does not have a full time Youth Pastor, (and I have to work full time elsewhere), I do not have the time I wish to visit my young people at their schools or go to their games, recitals, plays, etc. to show I care. So the only time I have with the young people is Thursday nights and Sunday mornings not nearly enough time to establish a good trust or relationship that will turn to Jesus before they turn 20. I want to be able to devote the time to them that they deserve. I want to be able to give them something that will change their lives forever- Jesus. Everyday I get this nagging sense that I am wasting the time that God has given me. I constantly hear God calling me into full time ministry.

I, like Jonah, have been avoiding God’s call to a special work for quite some time. Every year, thousands of Christians consider the appeal to enter full time ministry. They pray, consult with their Pastors, spouses, and friends for help making the decision. Then finally with great struggle (or relief) make the decision, “Full Time Ministry Here I Come.” So, after much prayer and consideration, I decided to answer the call that somehow will advance the kingdom of God. I don’t regret my time working in the secular world, I have learned so much. But, at this point in my life, obeying God’s calling means leaving my secular job. He has basically put me in a place where it is obvious that He wants me to step up to the plate. The plate you ask….January 1, 2008. I believe it is my destiny to train young people to lead the cause of Christ, and apply Christianity to every area of their lives. Young people are the easiest to reach with the gospel of Christ, this is stated in Scripture (Ecclesiastes12:1; Proverbs 22:6). Most of us made a commitment of some sort to Christ before we were twenty years of age. So, if it is the church’s goal to reach people for Christ, then it would make sense that a large amount of time, energy and resources be put into ministering to young people, who are more open to the Gospel, and who make up the majority of the population in our country.

I’m excited about embarking on this journey as a full-time Youth Pastor and the experiences that lie ahead. I hope you see the value in what I am trying to accomplish. As you can imagine, a move like this requires financial support. I need to raise $24,000. If you can support me in a financial way, I would be very grateful. I hope I can count on you for a generous donation, any donation amount is welcomed. If you would like to be part of this through your financial support, you may donate at ChipIn.

Why do it…you’ll be really glad you did! Just think of how great it will feel knowing that you were a part of something much bigger than yourself. Your 1, 3, 5, or 20 dollar donation may seem like a drop in the huge 25,000 dollar bucket, but know that you will go to sleep with a smile on your face knowing that you did the right thing!

So until I reach my goal you will see this line at the end of each blog… If you enjoyed this post, don’t forget to ChipIn! Reaching young people who do not know or have forgotten that they know Christ is my primary goal.

Because they haven’t heard,

YP Cice

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Christian
    Sep 25, 2007 @ 22:50:21

    Hi just want to encourage you. God is good and He is faithful to watch over His word to perform it in your life. You can count on Him. God bless. There are great things in store for you and your church.

    Christian J.


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